Wednesday, March 31, 2010

english fish... where are the chips

These shots come to us from North Devon, UK. (Chris Preston of the Adventures in Trim blog and frequent Drift contributor). The board is a 5'10" Gulfstream (local north devon shaper) that was from a fish template of Jimmy Blears. Chris informed me that Jimmy Blears beat David Nuuhiwa on a fish in the 1972 World Title. Thanks for the info, hope the facts are accurate.


  1. Yes, that's true! Jimmy Blears did win the 1972 World Contest in Ocean Beach on a fish he borrowed, which was a home grown original shaped by our friend and we all were there to cheer Jimmy on. It is a fun story.
    Aloha, Cher

  2. Please help, there was a bug with Blogger, and I did not mean to post a few times, please remove all by the first one, thanks, Cher

  3. Cher- no problem- thanks for checking the blog- jack

  4. Hi, Jack, the English photos are beautiful, and Mike would be stoked to see the fish, which was inspired by the board he shaped.
    Aloha, Cher
